Benefits of Employee Motivation

It can say the success of an organization depends on its team and their motivation to commit, drive, and work towards to achieve company targets (Armstrong,2007). This statement is further elaborated in Hiriyappa’s (2010) explanation as, a motivated workforce has the potential to be more productive, results for lower turnover rate and committed to achieve the company targets while demotivated workers are less productive, not committed to work, inflexible or idle. Moreover, by emphasizing the benefits of employee motivation Rothberg (2005) claims that a motivated team always have a sense of belongingness to the organization they work for, which in turn helps in creating a positive work setting. In fact, it is evident without employee motivation, a company will have to go through difficulties as reduced productivity, lower levels of output, and will not be able achieve company targets as well(Rothberg,2005). Therefore, Armstrong (2007) assures that a highly motivated team as the most valuable asset to any organization. 

By having a motivated workforce, the organization can experience a lot of benefits (Armstrong,2007) and some of them are as following. 

Enhanced Employee Efficiency

According to Mohsen et al (2004) in the contemporary world, most of the organizations have to struggle in order to enhance the employee motivation as it is the most essential driving factor to survive and compete in dynamic corporate environment without a challenge. Further Mohsen et al. (2004) disclose that motivation helps to lead human resources into action, to improve the level of employee efficiency, to make the organization to achieve sustainable competitive advantages, and to attain organizational goals. One of the most major advantages of having highly motivated workers is that it considerably improves their efficiency. Thus, when employees are motivated, they are more likely to contribute their best effort in completing the duties that they have been assigned to. Accordingly, Rothberg (2005) assures that employees with skills, efficiency, experience, and qualification are asset to any organization which is responsible for the reputation and goodwill of organization. 

Reduction in Employee Turnover

Stovel and Bontis (2002) consider in most of the organizations employee turnover is high since the management of the particular organizations do not pay attention to retain their employees by correctly identifying and applying motivational variables that has the ability to influence employees to retain within the organization. If the managers can identify the correct motivational variables to apply, it will result in reducing the high rate of employee turnover. Indeed, higher motivation affects for the better performance and efficiency of the employees which results in enhancing employee satisfaction towards the organization. Consequently, this sense of satisfaction develops a deeper sense of loyalty and happiness within the employee, and it make them less willing to leave the company. It can be identified that the reasons for high employee turnover rate within the organizations are lack of competitive compensation system, hiring practices, management style, lack of recognition, toxic working environment and others include lack of interesting work, lack of promotion and inadequate training and development opportunities, lack of job security amongst others (Abassi and Hollman, 2000; Hewitts Associates, 2006; Sherman et al. 2006). Nevertheless, these can be recognized as intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors which can assist managers to influence employee retention in their organizations. Simultaneously, if the management pays attention to identify above mentioned issues and rectify those issues that will enhance employee motivation by making them retain in the company.

 Leads To Profitable Operation

According to Faisal et al. (2017), motivated employees lead an organization into profitable operations. The reason for this is because they perform their duties with full responsibility since they are goal-directed and act in a purposive manner. Moreover, the development of self-responsibility among the workers contributes to the simplest utilization of obtainable resources like materials, money, and machines. Henceforth, it is evident that goals can be achieved if co-ordination and co-operation takes place simultaneously which can be effectively done through motivation.

Increase Job Satisfaction

Anka (1988) assures that motivation increases employee satisfaction. Thus, in order to increase employee satisfaction, the organization can provide employees with incentives, promotions, and opportunities for employees to grow in both personally and professionally. Consequently, it will improve employee satisfaction and create good relationship with the organization ( Dawson,2005). As a result, organization can increase the profit through increased productivity. Further, employee motivation leads to achieve organization goals as well (Armstrong , 2007). In fact, job Satisfaction can be identified as one of the major factors that influence in employee motivation. As explained by Dawson (2005), where employee satisfaction is associated with positive employee behavior, motivation and satisfaction seems to be synonymous terms. Moreover, Carr and Tang (2005) assert that motivation is a result of expectations of the future while satisfaction is the result of past events. For instance, in the organization which I work, many motivated employees are visible as a result of job satisfaction. The employees within the organization are ready to go beyond their working hours when it is necessary. 


Abassi, S. M. & Hollman, K. W. (2000) Turnover: the real bottom line. Pub. Pers. Manage. 2(3), 303-342.

Anka, L. M. A. (1988) Corporate Objectives and Self Development: The Specialist International. Journal of Institute of Management Specialist, 3(5).

Armstrong, M. (2007) Armstrong’s handbook of strategic human resource management. (5th ed.). London: Kogan Page. 

Carr, A. E., & Tang, T. L. P. (2005) Sabbaticals and employee motivation: Benefits, concerns, and implications. Journal of education for business. 80(3), 160-164.

Dawson, B. (2005) Motivation leaders to better results. Journal of Rubber and Plastics. 37, 11–15.

Faisal, A., Assal, H., Shrafat, F. & Zeglat, D. (2017) The Impact of Employee Motivation on Organizational Commitment. European Journal of Business and Management. 9(15), 134-145. 

Hiriyappa, B. (2010) Management of motivation and its theories. York: Dr. B. Hiriyppa.

Mohsan, F., Nawaz, M. M., Khan, M., Shaukat, Z. & Aslam, N. (2004) Are Employee Motivation, Commitment and Job  Involvement  Inter-related:  Evidence  from  Banking  Sector  of  Pakistan. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(17), 226-233.

Rothberg, G. (2005) The Role of Idea in the Managers Workplace: Theory and Practice. Pakistan Management Review. XLII (4), 48-73.

Sherman, D., Alper, W. & Wolfson (2006) Seven things’ companies can do to reduce attrition. J. S. A. Inst. P. Manage. 24(3): 8-11.

Stovel, M. & Bontis, N. (2002) Voluntary Turnover: Knowledge Management—Friend or Foe? Journal of Intellectual Capital, [online] 3, 303-322. Available from: 


  1. Agreed with what you mentioned. Employee engagement and recognition can make people feel appreciated, engaged and happy at work.(Reucrof & Scott, 2015). It is evident that motivation has a direct impact on employee engagement as motivated employees will actively participate to achieve organizations expectations while highly being engaged to their job role.

    1. Yes Roshini,Motivated employees are more engaged in their work (Rich 2006), their performance is of higher quality (Cerasoli et al. 2014) and they profit more from occupational training (Massenberg et al. 2015).

  2. Agree with the argument. Positive relationship with top management also can pursue organizational commitment. Top management has a greater impact on employee trust than their management style. Leaders also have a powerful source of influence on employee’s work behavior (Therkelsen and Fiebich, 2003).

    1. Employee commitment reflects the quality of the leadership in an organization (Stum, 1999). However, organizations are always looking for the committed human resources in order to achieve its strategic objectives. Employees under good leadership are the most satisfied and loyal employees and they increase productivity and efficiency while innovating new ideas to the organization (Gabcanova, 2011).

  3. Also, intrinsic motivation can tend to gain the result of work involvement, which will increase work morale. When employees’ enjoyment of their job increases, intrinsic rewards may undermine the extrinsic motivation (Frey, 1997).

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Absolutely. Furthermore, the proportion of time employees spent thinking about their own ideas moderated the positive influence of intrinsic drive on concept fluency. These findings imply that, while intrinsic drive may improve the fluency of creative ideas (Zhang, Xinru; Pi, Zhongling; Li, Chenyu; Hu, Weiping, 2021).

  4. Yes totally agreed with your statements. Employee motivation and job performance are indeed mutually associated. Thus, organization needs to motivate its employees in order to achieve its stated goals and objectives (Obiekwe, 2016).

    1. Yes Irsesha, As per the research conducted by Ahmed (2001), most significant factors that increase motivation & satisfaction are promotion, working environment & salaries and wages. When organizations focused on these factors, it will positively impact on enhance high level of performance in organization.

  5. Agreed with your view, in addition , increasing training opportunities, improving the physical working conditions and environment through improved physical structures, equipment, and materials, may help improve these important working conditions. Other highly discordant factors (greater than 40% discordance) included opportunity to advance, good employment benefits, time for family life, good income, and being based in a good location (Peters et al, 2010)

    1. Yes Gajendran, Every organization can get benefits from providing trainings to employees. Motivating employees to participate for the working-related training and career development programs is another part of a motivation (Kanfer, Chen and Pritchard, 2012).

  6. Yes Agree Menaka, Employee motivation is key to an organization’s success (Zara, 2010) It’s the level of commitment, drive and energy that a company’s workers bring to the role everyday. Without it, companies experience reduced productivity, lower levels of output and it’s likely that the company will fall short of reaching important goals too (Kishor, 2016).

  7. Agreed, Employees who are motivated and fulfilled are more dedicated to the organization's goals; in turn, enterprises must demonstrate a comparable commitment to employee goals. HR's responsibility is to ensure that employee aspirations are aligned with the organization's goals on a continuous basis. This goal can be met by creating a motivating work environment that encourages and addresses employee growth and development (Varma,2017)


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