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Benefits of Employee Motivation

It can say the success of an organization depends on its team and their motivation to commit, drive, and work towards to achieve company targets (Armstrong,2007). This statement is further elaborated in Hiriyappa’s (2010) explanation as, a motivated workforce has the potential to be more productive, results for lower turnover rate and committed to achieve the company targets while demotivated workers are less productive, not committed to work, inflexible or idle. Moreover, by emphasizing the benefits of employee motivation Rothberg (2005) claims that a motivated team always have a sense of belongingness to the organization they work for, which in turn helps in creating a positive work setting. In fact, it is evident without employee motivation, a company will have to go through difficulties as reduced productivity, lower levels of output, and will not be able achieve company targets as well(Rothberg,2005). Therefore, Armstrong (2007) assures that a highly motivated team as the most val

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